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Instrument Blessing
Today’s Reading: Hebrews 4:12 Version NIV

A harsh word can be worse than a face slap. Many people, who found that physical aggression within the family is something absurd, assault with harsh and cruel words, his wife and children.

The word may also be, like a sharp knife. Murmuring that become slander and slowly kill innocent people.

The word is constantly falsified and lies become ordinary. This happens at all levels of society, from the government to the rich, and to the poorest people of the city.

God gave us the word to bless and not to curse. It is with the word that we comfort those who suffer. We teach the truth; we value those who are desperate and convey our love to them.

Jesus is the Word of God in human form; He is the means of communication of God; the distribution of his love, forgiveness and life for all human beings. You must ask God: “Lord, do not let my voice say harsh words; slander and lies. Open my mouth to utter words of comfort, purpose, value and to tell others of your love and your grace”.

We must use words as instruments to bless others and never to curse them.

Ildefonso Torres